Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Driving

So, after the third time of getting cut off, for no real apparent reason other than the asshole in front of me thinks one single car distance might just make his drive hours shorter, even at the possible expense of lives in his car, let alone mine, I finally drift into my own world. In my world, I gun it, just as the cutoff begins. The car performing the asshole maneuver finally gets a real solid helping of reality. The corner of their back bumper connects with the front corner of mine, forcing them to fishtail, and their side meets flush to my front bumper, a standard police "PIT". The car begins to roll just as I ease into the brake, avoiding more than a destroyed front bumper. At 70 mph, in heavy traffic, it is a beautiful sight to behold. Looking closely enough, you can just make out the horrified driver screaming, knowing their life is likely coming to an abrupt end. A smile eases across my face as I see their head slam into the driver side window, glass fracturing along with his scull.

Slowly, the roll slows down and I make out other members of the family coming to the realization their father, an asshole to the end, cost them lives, limbs, health, and a good Thanksgiving weekend.

Yea, fuck you asshole. Darwinism may be taking a nap with advanced medical technology putting it to a halt, but my front bumper can sure as hell remove some of the lesser mortals from the gene pool. Cocksucker.

I ease back in to reality as I slam my brake to avoid a collision with the asshole. Man, why do we have laws that punish those playing janitor for the gene pool. Am I the only one comfortable with paying a $500 deductible to end the life of a complete dickhead?

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