Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gocarts for Fat Fucks

I'm sick and tired of going to the grocery store, and instead of the grannie go-carts being used by grandmothers, they're being used by fat lazy fucks who are in their twenties and thirties. You're fat for a reason. Get off your fat lazy ass and MOVE. To top it off, you're NOT HANDICAP. I REPEAT, YOU'RE NOT HANDICAPPED. You're just FUCKING LAZY. Please, please do the world a favor and either a) drop your weight to a level where you can jog for more than 30 seconds, assholes or b) google "make cyanide", make it, and eat it.

God damn lazy no-good bitches.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Government Failure

When the government no longer represents the people, it is a failure. Plain and simple. Ours is "for the people, by the people". When was the last time you saw a law go into play that in any shape or form represented "the people". And don't even try to tell me our new health care bill is anything but a whoring out to the insurance companies. A complete whoring out.

You know how I know? It created no competition for them, but made it much harder for smaller/newer insurance companies get started. Read: NO PUBLIC OPTION.